
Our property auction experts can provide you with all the necessary information – auction dates, legal documents, catalogues in addition to the means to track all properties you have an interest.  They will keep a close check on the guide prices for all properties you might want to purchase.

We have worked with the premier UK auction houses and can assist you with buying and selling through auction.  When it comes to buying property at an auction, we would never recommend going it alone as that can be a daunting and intimidating experience, even for the most experienced investment veteran.

Auctions are a very competitive and fast-paced form of property acquisition – that certainly does not mean that due diligence should be overlooked or taken lightly.  Apart from providing consultancy and detailed guidance on auction properties, Blue Alpine can utilise our extensive knowledge and every industry contact available to give you exclusive access to auctions that are otherwise inaccessible.

As our client, you gain exposure to a much deeper understanding of the overall process and dramatically improve your prospects of winning bids, whether it be commercial property auctions or residential property auctions.  Once the gavel comes down on a property, the highest bidder is required to legally purchase it – you need to have vital property information right at your fingertips ahead of the sale.

Get in touch with your requirements: | +44 (0) 203 771 0697 ||
Get in touch with your requirements:
+44 (0) 203 771 0697