Durrington – Public House
The Plough Inn,189 Bulford Road, Durrington, Salisbury SP4 8HBFreehold Public House Investment
Rent P.A.
Lease Term
6 Years 11 Months
Years Left on Lease
1y 6m
3,918 SQ FT
VAT Applicable
Investment Consideration
- Comprises ground floor public house with restaurant and 1-bed owner`s accommodation
- Includes large car park to the side with residential development potential, STTP.
- Situated in predominantly residential area with occupiers nearby including Lifestyle Fitness Salisbury, Durrington Swimming Pool, Durrington Nursery & Pre-School and more.
Key Features
VAT is Applicable
Property Description
The property is arranged as a ground floor public house with open bar area, staff kitchen, office, commercial kitchen, ladies’ and gents’ WCs. The first floor flat consists of a living room, kitchen, one bedroom and bathroom with WC. Outside space includes outbuilding, which acts as a beer cellar, small beer garden and car park, providing the following accommodation and dimensions:
Ground Floor: Open plan bar & restaurant, kitchen, customer wc`s
First Floor: 1 bedroom, kitchen, living room and bathroom
Total GIA: 364 sq m (3,918 sq ft)
Ground Floor: Open plan bar & restaurant, kitchen, customer wc`s
First Floor: 1 bedroom, kitchen, living room and bathroom
Total GIA: 364 sq m (3,918 sq ft)
Tenancy Description
The property is at present let to Durrington Plough Ltd (with personal guarantee) for a term of 6 Years 11 Months from 17th October 2019 at a current rent of £26,000 p.a. and the lease contains full repairing and insuring covenants. Rent review on 17.10.25 open market upward only. Rent review from 2022 outstanding. Deposit held of £4,333.33.
Tenancies & Accommodation

Location Description
Durrington is a village in Wiltshire, England about 2 miles north of the town of Amesbury, 10 miles north-northeast of the city of Salisbury, and 2 ¹⁄₂ miles northeast of the Stonehenge monument. The property is situated in predominantly residential area with occupiers nearby including Lifestyle Fitness Salisbury, Durrington Swimming Pool, Durrington Nursery & Pre-School and more.