Investment Consideration
- Let until 2039 (No Breaks). Fixed rental increase to £103,615 p.a. in 2029 and £114,399 p.a. in 2034
- Comprises Texaco branded fuel filling station, Spar convenience store, Costa Express and a Post Office
- Gillett’s (Callington) Limited is a part of Appleby Westward Group Limited. Appleby Westward Group operate the Spar franchise for the West of England with 140 stores
- Located on the south side of the A379 in the heart of the village. Occupiers close by include a variety of local traders in a predominantly residential area.
Blue Alpine can assist whether you are looking to buy, sell or want advice on your portfolio get in touch. Office: 02037710697 Email: joseph@bluealpine.com or prash@bluealpine.com
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