Investment Consideration
- ERV: £78,000 p.a. GIY: 9.81%
- VAT is NOT applicable to this property
- Comprises former vehicle repair workshop with associated garages and office building
- Benefits from a variety of inspection pits, two hydraulic car lifts, roller shutter loading doors with two entrance gates
- Total site area 0.295 acres (0.119 hectares)
- Adjacent to Colchester Town rail station and close to the First Site art gallery and links to the Hythe commercial area to the east.
- Colchester Town rail station provides direct and regular services to London Liverpool street with average travel time of 1:10h
Blue Alpine can assist whether you are looking to buy, sell or want advice on your portfolio get in touch. Office: 02037710697 Email: joseph@bluealpine.com or prash@bluealpine.com
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