We are writing to let you know that despite the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, Blue Alpine is open for business as normal.
Both our office landline, direct dials and mobiles are all being responded to and although we have encouraged our staff to avoid unnecessary face to face meetings and work from home, our sales, acquisitions, management and insurance staff continue to be available to discuss any properties for sale, potential instructions and your ongoing acquisition and insurance requirements.
What this means for you, our clients, is that you should not notice any major disruption to the service we are proud to provide.
All our staff have been fully briefed and are constantly updated on the appropriate action to take in line with Government protocol. Viewings have been postponed for the time being and will resume once the Government gives clear guidance that it is safe for our clients, team and the tenants.
Should you have any further questions or would like clarification on the above, please do feel free to contact Joseph Bachman or Prash Jaitley.
Wishing you and your families all the best at this time.