Bampton – Public House with Letting Accommodation
The Quarryman's Rest, Bampton St, Bampton, Devon EX16 9LNFreehold Public House with Letting Accommodation Investment
Rent P.A.
Lease Term
6 Years 11 Months
Years Left on Lease
2y 2m
5,382 SQ FT
VAT Applicable
Investment Consideration
- Comprises large public house with restaurant, 3 en-suite letting rooms and 1-bed owner`s flat
- Occupiers nearby include Pizza Takeaway, Brampton Riverside Hall, Convenience Store and others.
Key Features
VAT is not applicable.
Property Description
Comprises large public house with bar (50 covers) & restaurant area (34 covers), commercial kitchen and 2 game rooms. The property includes 3 en-suite letting rooms and 1-bed manager`s flat with kitchen, living room and bathroom, providing the following accommodation and dimensions:
Ground Floor: Open plan bar & restaurant areas, kitchen, wc`s
First Floor: 3 en-suite letting rooms, 1-bed owner`s accommodation
Total GIA: 500 sq m (5,382 sq ft)
Ground Floor: Open plan bar & restaurant areas, kitchen, wc`s
First Floor: 3 en-suite letting rooms, 1-bed owner`s accommodation
Total GIA: 500 sq m (5,382 sq ft)
Tenancy Description
The property is at present let to an Individual for a term of 6 Years 11 Months from 1st July 2020 at a current rent of £37,000 p.a. and the lease contains full repairing and insuring covenants. Rent review from 2023 outstanding. Tenant break option in 2023 NOT exercised.
Tenancies & Accommodation

Location Description
Bampton is an attractive and historic town lying on the A395, to the north of Tiverton upon the edge of the Exmoor National park, with access on to the M5 (J27) via the A361. Occupiers nearby include Pizza Takeaway, Brampton Riverside Hall, Convenience Store and others.