Chudleigh – Public House
Bishop Lacy Inn, Fore Street, Chudleigh, Devon TQ13 0HYFreehold Public House Investment
Rent P.A.
Lease Term
6 Years 11 Months
Years Left on Lease
5y 7m
4,500 SQ FT
VAT Applicable
Investment Consideration
- Comprises large public house with restaurant and 2-bedroom owner`s accommodation above
- Occupiers close by include Post Office, Convenience Store, Estate Agents, Takeaway and more.
Key Features
VAT is not applicable.
Property Description
Comprises public house arrange as a ground floor open plan bar and seating area (20ppl), full kitchen and customer WCs. First floor comprises owner`s accommodation with 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom, providing the following accommodation and dimensions:
Ground Floor: Open plan bar & restaurant, kitchen, customer wc`s
First Floor: 2 bedrooms, kitchen/living room, bathroom
Total GIA: 418 sq m (4,500 sq ft)
Ground Floor: Open plan bar & restaurant, kitchen, customer wc`s
First Floor: 2 bedrooms, kitchen/living room, bathroom
Total GIA: 418 sq m (4,500 sq ft)
Tenancy Description
The property is at present let to an Individual for a term of 6 Years 11 Months from 1st December 2023 at a current rent of £18,500 per annum and the lease contains full repairing and insuring covenants. Rent review on 01.12.26 and 01.12.29 open market upward only. Deposit held of £4,500.
Tenancies & Accommodation

Location Description
Chudleigh is an ancient wool town located within the Teignbridge District Council area of Devon, England between Newton Abbot and Exeter. The property is located in the town centre with occupiers close by include Post Office, Convenience Store, Estate Agents, Takeaway and more.